
顯示從 7月, 2019 起發佈的文章

Honey siu mei 蜜糖炒燒賣

SIU MEI .............8 HONEY .............3    tablespoon s Add oil to Wok and add Siu Mei to fry it in medium and small fire. Add honey in After Siu Mei cooked. Fast Fry the Siu Mei.  Finish. 

Fried eggs with chives 韭黃炒蛋

Fried Eggs With Chives 韭黃炒蛋 Eggs................................2 Water..............................10 ml Chives....................................60 g Soy sauce....................................1.5 tbsp Ready: Cut Chives into julienne strips. Mix the Eggs Step: 1. a bit oil into Wok and add Chives in. Fry it in big fire. 2. Adjust to small fire and add the eggs, water and soy sauce  in. 3. Mix all ingredients together by cooking shovel. And let it cooked. Finish.

Green radish and carrot pork bones soup 青紅蘿蔔豬骨湯

青紅蘿蔔豬骨湯 GREEN RADISH AND CARROT PORK BONES SOUP 紅蘿蔔 2條 (約560克) 青蘿蔔 2條 (約850克) 粟米 2條 豬骨 720克(>1斤) 蜜棗 4粒 南北杏 40克 水 3L carrots ............... 1 Green radish............... 2 Corn............... 2 Candied dates............... 4 capsules Pork bone 720g (>1 kg) North and South Apricot ............... 40g water ............... 3L 青、紅蘿蔔去皮洗淨,滾刀切件;粟米洗淨切段;蜜棗、南北杏用水沖一沖;豬尾骨沖走血水,洗淨備用。 所有材料(凍水落),同放大煲大火滾 30分鐘;煲起後撇走水面上豬肉煲出來的泡;然後轉中小火煲 2小時。熄火下鹽調味即成。

Ficus hirta, dried sea coconut apples soups五指毛桃海底椰蘋果湯

Ficus hirta, Dried Sea Coconut Apples Soups五指毛桃海底椰蘋果湯 五指毛桃海底椰蘋果湯可補氣化濕、潤肺止咳,潤而不滯,非常適合潮濕但開始乾燥的香港。 此湯性平、潤,適合一般大眾飲用。 一星期可飲用一至兩次。可補氣化濕、潤肺止咳,潤而不滯,非常適合潮濕但開始乾燥的香港。 此湯性平、潤,適合一般大眾飲用。 一星期可飲用一至兩次。

Apple and dry monk fruit soup 蘋果羅漢果湯

Apple and  Dry monk fruit soup 蘋果羅漢果湯 乾羅漢果... 1 個 蘋果... 7-10 個 水... 4 公升 Dry monk fruit  ...  1 Apple    ...  7-10 Water  ...  4L 1.           Peel the apple and cut dice. 2.           Boiling water. 3.           Wash the Dry monk fruit and open it. 4.           Apples and Dry monk fruit put into hot boiling Water in maximum fire. 5.           Adjust to a minimum fire when the soup has already had big bubble. 6.           Boil 1 hour. 7.           Finished. 羅漢果 有清熱潤肺、止咳利咽和滑腸通便的功效。 適合長期捱夜,或容易喉痛者飲用,脾胃 虛寒及感冒則不宜。 Dry monk fruit It has the effects of clearing away body heat and moistening the lungs, relieving cough and lubricate  the bowel. Who cannot drink this soup? A  person with a cold.